Dacă ești reprezentantul unei companii și vrei să susții proiectele oamenilor din sud, poți redirecționa către noi 0,5% din cifra de afaceri sau 20% din impozitul pe profit. Cheltuielile sunt deductibile, deci costurile pentru compania ta sunt zero.
Încheie un contract de sponsorizare cu noi, prin care declari ca redirecţionezi cei 20% (descarcă-l de aici) – completează cu datele companiei tale, in 2 exemplare, semnează-l şi stampilează-l şi trimite-l în atenţia noastră. Vom avea grija că, după ce îl semnăm şi ştampilăm, un exemplar să ajungă la tine. Ne poți scrie pentru mai multe detalii la

Din 2005, de când a intrat pe piața românească, Kaufland România se ghidează constant după principiile de Responsabilitate și Sustenabilitate – ca parte din ADN-ul companiei. Kaufland are un angajament puternic față de oameni, comunități și mediu. Investițiile în dezvoltarea comunității au patru direcții prioritare: proiecte care răspund unor probleme sociale, proiecte pentru mediul înconjurător, proiecte ce promovează un stil de viață sănătos și proiecte educaționale, care sprijină dezvoltarea noilor generații.
O componentă importantă a activității Kaufland este sprijinirea programelor de antreprenoriat social, în special prin consiliere și sprijin financiar. Dezvoltarea unor astfel de afaceri sociale contribuie la reducerea disparităților economice și are potențialul de a oferi mai departe oportunități de angajare membrilor comunității și, în final, de a contribui la dezvoltarea întregii comunități.
Concret, sprijinul Kaufland înseamnă, an de an, peste 5 milioane de euro investiți în comunitate și peste 200 de proiecte de CSR, ce vin în fiecare an în beneficiul a peste 700.000 de români – copii, adulți sau vârstnici.

Telekom Romania is a dynamic brand, offering mobile and fixed innovative communication services to a broad customer community, using approximately 10 million services.
In 2015, Telekom Romania launched the commercial concept MagentaONE and offered simplified integrated fixed and mobile bundles to both residential and business customers. MagentaONE stands for one Call Center, one bill, one MyAccount application (including one mobile app). Through MagentaONE, Telekom Romania reinforced its leadership position in providing complete telecommunications and IT&C solutions to Romanian companies.
Telekom Romanian is present in the Romanian market since 2014, after the joint rebranding of Romtelecom and COSMOTE Romania.
Telekom is a brand pertaining to Deutsche Telekom, one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies with around 156 million mobile customers, 29 million fixed-network lines and more than 18 million broadband lines (as of December 31, 2015). Deutsche Telekom is present in more than 50 countries and has approximately 225,000 employees worldwide.

Rontt is a Romanian company established in 2016, but active on the contruction market since 2014. During all these years, Rontt concentrated on civil and industrial constructions, having a business value of 1 000 000 euro.
The vision of the company is to be leader on the national construction market. The mission is to innovate the construction market, becoming better and better with every new contract.
The values of the company are: respect, quality, integrity.

Blue Air
Blue Air has been operating for 12 years, now offering flights to over 90 direct routes in Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The company has 8 operational bases, in Bucharest, Bacau, Constanta (din 27.04.2017), Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, Larnaca, Liverpool (from 26.03.2017) and Turin.
Blue Air has received the certificate of IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) from the International Air Transportation Association (IATA) for its outstanding operational standards and it is now a full IATA member.
Blue Air is operating a fleet of Boeing 737 aircrafts, with retrofitted interior with state of the art Recaro seats allowing passengers a better and more comfortable experience during their flight.

Enevo Group
ENEVO Group is a Romanian-owned export-oriented engineering company which operates in areas such as power generation and transport, oil & gas and steel industry, dairy industry or public utilities. The company is comprised of four departments: Engineering & Consultancy, Substation Protection & Automation, Process Control & Electrical Automation and IT, Telecom & Cyber Security. In only two years, ENEVO Group has reached a number of 40 employees, with a portfolio of over 40 projects implemented in three continents, covering seven industries.

OMV Petrom
OMV Petrom is the largest integrated oil and gas group in Southeastern Europe. Starting 2007, OMV Petrom has integrated the principles of corporate responsibility into its business strategy. In this period, the company has allocated more than EUR 40 mn for the development of communities in Romania, focusing on environmental protection, education, health and local development. “Andrei’s Country” is the main platform for community involvement.
More details on and

Vodafone Foundation Romania
In 17 years of activity, Vodafone Foundation Romania financed over 848 programs in the fields of education, health, social services, having children, young people, elder people, and disadvantaged groups as beneficiaries. Until now, Vodafone Foundation Romania invested 20 million euros in projects implemented by partner NGOs. Vodafone Foundation Romania is a non-profit Romanian organisation, with charitable status, founded in 1998 and independent from the commercial activities run by the company.
More details about the programs run by the foundation,,


Biriș Goran
The law firm of Biriş Goran was launched in 2006 by senior attorneys and close friends practicing in international law firms in the region. Since then, they have established themselves as counsel of choice for heavyweight international investors and local entrepreneurs alike. Chambers Europe and Legal 500 have listed them as top practices in Romania for their areas of specialty: Tax, Real Estate, Corporate/M&A, Competition/Antitrust and IP, IT & Media. They have the resources and proven expertise to carry out transactions to international standards but mindful of local requirements: large or small, domestic or cross-border, where and whenever needed.