The community association ”Împreună pentru Viitor” is made up of young Roma.  They to started a social enterprise to capitalize on the traditional products of Roma wood craftsmen and brought in new financial resources.

In a previous project of the PACT Foundation the association, together with the young people from the community, had developed a portfolio of local traditions. They discovered that while in the past woodworking was widespread amongst Roma (who make up 40% of the community), today there are only 5 older craftsmen who practice it.

The idea of the business was born in the community, through community involvement and a willingness to solve their problems through their own means.  Association members had proposed to create a social enterprise that would build on traditional products, to find and promote market opportunities, encouraging other young people to learn the craft and add value to the cultural heritage of the village. At the same time, the whole community contributed the business by helping to organize a traditional event in Spantov.

The Association already had an initial business plan, put together with the PACT consultants. Through this project we supported the development of the business plan and marketing strategy, and organised community meetings between the craftsmen and young artists, and designers from Bucharest. With the help of Petrom, through the Țara lui Andrei program, we provided the necessary help for the start-up of the business, and 3 months running costs, with the aim of the company becoming viable in the shortest possible time.

At the end of the project the Spanțov community benefited not only economically through the profit of its members, but also in terms  of social capital, respect and the recognition of their own traditions and values.

This project was financed by Petrom Romania through the Tara lui Andrei Program.

Donează Fii voluntar